Microsoft Plans Quick Fix for IE

As a webdeveloper I know a lot about Internet Explorer.

The number of security issues it has and the none standards complient way it renders webpages often makes me wish they would say “You know what, lets just stop making browsers, we clearly aren’t up to the task, lets just suggest everyone go and get firefox instead”

But instead they suggest this useless list of tips:

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Using iDrive But Stop iDriveMonitor Autostarting

I like iDrive. It quietly keeps my selected folders backed up. But this isn’t a review of iDrive, it’s instructions for how to use iDrive but stop the iDriveMonitor application from forcing itself to the front of the startup queue when you login.

It took me a while to get to the bottom of the problem after I started delaying application launch to ease memory use on startup.

I knew I needed iDriveMonitor to start at login, but I didn’t want it to start first because it seems to bog down os x when started along with multiple other apps.

But if I removed it from the login items and manually started it, it automatically added itself back to my Login Items. There is no option to stop it doing this built into iDrive. How annoying.

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