Harry Bailey

Agency focused strategist & agility coach

Internet Banking and Webhooks Part 2

On the 1st May I wrote a quick article about how Internet Banking Drags it’s heals when it comes to new technology. See the first Internet Banking and Webhooks article.

To sidetrack for a second. When I post or update this blog, a twitter tweet is sent automatically to my twitter account to inform anyone who cares. Well just this morning ANZMoneyManager ‘followed me’ ( is that the right term? ). I can only assume it’s because of the previous post and me tweeting about it on there. They seem to be pretty pro-active when it comes to twitter and blog comments.

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How To Create A Fluid Facebook Publisher Interface

Facebook recently changed their publisher inface, again.

The publisher interface is what you see on all profile pages and on your home page. It is how you change your status, and can use it to publish link and photos too. The final option is to use one of you applications who offer a publisher.

Because the publisher is now used on the home and profile pages which have different widths, and Facebook have yet to document any explanation of how to make your publisher interface inline easily I spend a bit of time tinkering.

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MySQL Multiple Primary Key Columns In A Table

Some database management tools refuse to admit you can add multiple primary key columns to one table, so you might have to do it with direct sql syntax ( deep intake of breath ).

Multiple primary keys make ‘ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE column = column + 100’ type queries a shed load more flexible.

Anyway, on with the code:

ALTER TABLE tablename ADD PRIMARY KEY (column_one, column_two)

And there you have it. Robert’s your fathers brother.

Internet Banking and Webhooks

Why is it that banks are always 5 years behind when it comes to the internet?

For those not in ‘the know’, a ‘webhook’ is where you define a url ( or address ) you would like to be notified when certain things happen on a website you use.

As an example, you tell PayPal to notify your payment confirm url when your business account receives a payment. They then send the payment details to that url so an automated script can do something with them. Usually tell you to send the item they bought.

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