Disable Select Options in Internet Explorer

Put your hands up if you hate developing for Internet explorer….

That would be most of you then.

I can’t stand its special ways of doing things, so when I find an easy work around it makes me happy.

The latest one I have had to find and put into practice is a method for disabling some Select dropdown options in a form. Internet explorer doesn’t support the disabled attribute on option elements. The following code will only work in standards complaint browsers (not in IE 6 or 7):

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Uppercase First letters with javascript

If you have a string in javascript and you want to the first letter to be uppercase / a capital then this line of code will do that for you:

str = str.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);

If you want to convert more than one letter then you might want to use the following. As examples if you wanted the first 4 characters uppercase use (0,3) and then (4) and if you wanted the first 2 uppercase you would use (0,1) and then (2)

str = str.slice(0,3).toUpperCase + str.slice(4);

Remember that an array starts at zero so always take one from the numbers you want.

jCrop – jQuery’s Image Cropper

I have been doing a lot of javascript coding recently. It’s funny because until six months ago I was a javascript beginner. I had done some js but didn’t completely get it and began by copying and pasting from other sites in the hope that things would just work. Then again that’s how I started with php too.

As I began to work on PagePlay more and more the javascript needed to be more and more clean and easy to adapt for when we add new functionality.

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