in Tech

CSS3 Element Wiggle With Keyframes

This technique produces something similar to the wiggle you get on an iPhone when deleting items.

Be aware that keyframe animation is still very poor in Chrome and cases freezing and jumping if multiple items are animated at once.

The animation css below results in a hovered element rotating back and forth around it’s centre point. You can update the number of degrees and length of animation to change the appearance.

Just add this css and give your element the class ‘wiggler’ to implement

/* safari and chrome */
@-webkit-keyframes wiggle {
	0% {-webkit-transform:rotate(4deg);}
	50% {-webkit-transform:rotate(-4deg);}
	100% {-webkit-transform:rotate(4deg);}

/* firefox */
@-moz-keyframes wiggle {
	0% {-moz-transform:rotate(4deg);}
	50% {-moz-transform:rotate(-4deg);}
	100% {-moz-transform:rotate(4deg);}

/* anyone brave enough to implement the ideal method */
@keyframes wiggle {
	0% {transform:rotate(4deg);}
	50% {transform:rotate(-4deg);}
	100% {transform:rotate(4deg);}

.wiggler:hover {
	-webkit-animation: wiggle 0.5s infinite;
	-moz-animation: wiggle 0.5s infinite;
	animation: wiggle 0.5s infinite;