in Tech

More powerful jQuery getScript with cache control

If you love getScript as a shortcut method in jQuery, but you hate not being able to control whether the script calls from the browsers cache or not then you can override the built-in function with a new one which is backwards compatible, so it won’t break any of your old code, and allows you to choose true or false to caching.

Read the original post by Jamie Thompson (via Internet Archive)

$.getScript = function(url, callback, cache){
			type: "GET",
			url: url,
			success: callback,
			dataType: "script",
			cache: cache

[carousel keywords=”jquery” tag=”fetchit-21″]

  1. I think you may want to consider using a default for ‘cache’ as ‘cache =undefined’ might cause some inconsistencies (but I don’t have a proof of that).
    type: “GET”,
    url: url,
    success: callback,
    dataType: “script”,
    cache: cache || true

  2. Question to you:

    I have heard that even setting “cache” to “true” will not use the browser cache on a cross domain load.

    Any comments on this?


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